Thursday, September 1, 2011


So, today was a momentous day for two reasons. Reason number one: I CAN OFFICIALLY HANG UP THE INGLES SMOCK UNTIL CHRISTMAS! That's right folks, today was my last day of work. In Georgia. Give me five days and I'll be back in the fray.

Reason number two: I received an MP3 player in the mailbox today. But not just any MP3 player. A free MP3 player. Good thing too, because it works about as well as a Burger King toy.

Monday, August 29, 2011


Hullo all! It is I, Captain Vegetable. I've been on a long extended vacation in Ethiopia, where they have no internet service, nor computers, nor toilet paper. Thus, I have not blogged in many moons. But have no fear! I've been reborn. Expect a new post ever week or two. And if that fails, I guess you could call me...I like all of you.


I've lived at home for the past five months. I was SERIOUSLY having diarrhea about living at home, considering that after I graduated high school, I stayed home for three weeks and then went to BYU. My biggest concerns were that I would have to share a bed, and that I'd have to go to bed at 9:00. None of the above occurred, so I'm happy to say that I've had an exceptional time being home again. When I think that I only have a week left, my eyes get all watery and I have to tell everyone that I just yawned or watched The Lion King.

ONE WEEK! Until then, I don't really have much to say, so enjoy this picture of a distressed prairie dog.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Like a Lamb to the Slaughter

WOO! It's actually not that different at all, but now when the wind blows, I get swept away because my head lost 20 pounds of scraggle. (Blue is new, red is old. Sorry these are TERRIBLE pictures and you don't get the full effect, which to reiterate isn't all that impressive.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Welp, I've officially slipped into the grip of the dreaded blog-cycle. That is, I'm really bad at blogging. Time to play catch-up! (Also popularly known as ketchup.)

School is going really well! I'm basically dominating all of my classes with above 93% grades (feel free to openly gasp and marvel). Surprisingly, my favorite class this semester is probably chemistry. It is swell. My Book of Mormon class is also (thankfully) phenomenal. My teacher is superb. We have really thought provoking discussions in there, and he reminds me of the dinosaur straight out of Danny and the Dinosaur. It like a dream come true!

Um, it's reeeeeeeal nippy. There's at least 3 feet of snow on the ground at all times.

My ward is grrrrrrrrrrrreat. Small, and seriously lacking in Y chromosomes, but great. I'm not the pianist!

I'm currently working at THE Rexburg Opinion Center. Yet another dream come true. (.......not) It's more market research, which just means pleading with grumpy old ladies to take 22 minute surveys about blood/urine testing. Woopee....(no pun intended)

Last, but certainly not least, I have magnificent roomies, yet again, this semester. I took Joyce Tran and Heather Kirby with me from last semester, but we've moved into a real apartment with a kitchen. WOW. We've got three newbies: Annie Abbott (no relation to Harry Potter's Hufflepuff friend, Hannah Abbott), Kylie Cochran, and McKenna Senecal. Annie is just adorable. She's in women's choir with me, which makes it a little more bearable. She's got a heart like Mother Theresa. Kylie is HIGH-larious. She's a health science major like me, but she actually fills out her exercise lawg... McKenna is Joyce's long-time best friend. She probably weighs about 75 pounds.

Basically, I have a great life.
(Pictures to soon follow)

P.S. - Bri, if you want to come to BYU-I, we can be next door neighbors and party hard todos los dias.